Things to do after buying a monitor

Jun Hui
2 min readMay 13, 2021


I buy a monitor for my self also for work from home purpose, it is a 24" 1920x1080 Samsung monitor. I prefer Dell but the seller tell me its out of stock so I go with this affordable Samsung monitor.

There are two thing that I not very happy with
1. Monitor screen colour is a bit yellow
2. Screen fonts are blurry

Yellow monitor screen

We can solve this issue by using Display Color Calibration.

Display Color Calibration
Display Color Calibration

Follow the steps and adjust for your best view, the most important step is adjust the colour balance RBG value.

Tips is first decrease all RGB value, then slightly add/decrease the value to adjust best screen colour. I had adjusted it two times to get a perfect colour balance 🙌.

Adjust Color Balance

Blur screen fonts

I know there is a premium way to solve this: buy a 4K monitor. I think of this too, but my budget doesn’t allow 😥.

The popular way to enhance windows text render is using MacType. It do will render better fonts, but still a bit blurry at the edge of fonts.


I quite happy with the adjustment, especially when solve yellow screen problem. In future if I have budget I definitely will change to a 4K monitor 😂.



Jun Hui
Jun Hui

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